Joe Rogan Experience #1115 – Mike Baker

Mike Baker is a former CIA covert operations officer. Currently he is the president of Diligence LLC, a global intelligence and security firm.


  1. Gotta be sharing a bit too much confidential stuff for an ex-cia dude, otherwise sounds like spreading bits of mis-information here and there

  2. Mike Baker is a former professional LIAR for the CIA. He's a huge piece of shit and you shouldn't believe anything he says!

  3. Mike Baker is in idiot.
    of course pulling out of the Iran deal makes other world leaders think that the US does not uphold deals made it by the previous administration and could change with the stroke of a pen, if a new leader is elected.
    2nd how was the Iran deal in adequate?
    It was literally the perfect deal, we gave Iran back they are billions that we basically stole from them, remove sanctions, and they are less likely to develop a nuclear weapon than they would otherwise!

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