Joe Rogan Experience #1100 – Liz Phair

Liz Phair is a singer, songwriter, and guitarist. The 25th Anniversary box set celebrating her 7 LP’s “Girly Sound to Guyville” releases on May 4 and she will also be touring this summer.


  1. Girl after my own heart~ made a Star Wars original trilogy (JAWAS!) reference AND Lord of the Rings reference within a 20 minute span ;p Edit: AND took a hit off a blunt within the same half hour ;p ;p ;p

  2. LoL, This is why blondes get a bad wrap. Like a candy wrapper I hold y’all in … from falling out like Eminem’s … y’all just been served.

  3. I'm UK so had to wiki Liz, and it says she's 50.!! WTF before I looked on wiki I had her about 27 yrs old, I thought she must be a comedian,, she needs to sell her blood to cosmetic Companies, ? gorgeous with it too,,

  4. Ten guests in my JRE wishlist i’d like to see on the podcast:

    1. Ron Paul
    2. Howard Stern
    3. Jim Carrey
    4. Luke Rudkowski (
    5. Elon musk
    6. Conor McGregor
    7. Conan O’Brien
    8. Dave Chapelle
    9. Marilyn Manson
    10. Mike Tyson

  5. I love it when hoggoso Hogan has famous women his age on. Got my goggles and Floaties ready…?

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