Your Mom’s House Podcast – Ep. 440 w/ The Sklar Brothers

This week, the Sklar Brothers join the mommies! They have a movie out called Poop Talk! Go see it! Trailer


  1. yikes. the last 10mins of this interview is filled with inconsequential bullshit brought on by the guest(s). What was the goal #sklarbrothers ? Holy Hell, you have things to promote… stop shitting on fucked up history! You cant change that!

  2. was funny as fuck till the dudes turned up and kept interrupting with nothing funny 🙂 see ya hipster dads laters! start was piss funny but 🙂

  3. I have a buddy where his wife starts cracking up every time someone says the word "poopie". Its rather funny, I'll be in the middle of telling a joke and just slam "poopie" randomly in whatever im talking about and she just starts cracking up. Very entertaining.

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