Joe Rogan Experience #1086 – Rory Albanese

Rory Albanese is a comedian, comedy writer and television producer. He was an executive producer and writer for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and also appeared on The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore.


  1. "Cook your dog??? Dogs should be RAW!! AND LIVING!!!"

  2. I ref to ( 1:56:15)
    You've never actually truly heard music in 3D if you've never done mushrooms. The best way I can describe it to you is – it's like seeing avatar on an 80s small television set. You still appreciate the film, but when you've seen on a 55 inch full Jd screen ( in 3D) , it puts things into perspective.
    That's music on mushrooms.

  3. 1:30:58 i'm not butthurt, but Joe's wrong there. the smallpox-blankets thing refers to William Amherst, and there's documentation of him doing that. they didn't need to know about bacteria to understand that sick people touching you with their cooties makes you sick…they had common sense. but I think Joe's describing the original conquistators, and the decimation of native populations in the 1500s…which he's correct, that wasn't necessarily intentional (for those who don't know, that's also how the black death happened….the Mongols weren't necessarily PLANNING to wipe out 1/4 of europe like that….OK maybe they were cuz they were mongrels)

    so joe's half right, but it's not just an urban myth. dude got the town and two colleges (inside the town) of Amherst named after him.

    inb4 you call me a cuck:

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